I look forward to serving
By Derek Leman, New Committee Member of LCJE

I’ve been involved in LCJE since the North American meeting in Philadelphia in 1997. I couldn’t believe that I, a lowly missionary at the time (now I’m a lowly congregational leader) could be in a forum with big names in Jewish evangelism. I couldn’t believe that I could go to one place and learn so much about trends in the Jewish community, trends in Jewish outreach, and the theology and methodology of Jewish work.

I am not Jewish myself and was raised in a non-religious home. In college I read C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity in one sitting. I knew that Jesus was the truth and began my journey with him. As I began for the first time in my life to attend church I discovered to my great surprise that Jesus is Jewish.

I immediately found that to be of vital importance and wanted to know more about Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah. A trip to Israel, Moody Bible Institute, and a graduate degree in Old Testament Studies all led me deeper in this interest.

I had the privilege of working with Light of Messiah Ministries, a Jewish mission in Atlanta, for 5 ½ years. During that time I had the opportunity to speak with hundreds of Jewish people and learn who Jewish people are.

In 2001, I planted Hope of David Messianic Fellowship in Atlanta because I saw the need for a more contextualized approach to reaching Jewish people. There was a crying need for an authentic community of Jewish and non-Jewish believers to reach out from. In this way we create a place for Messianic Jews to become disciples as Jews instead of joining a foreign culture.

LCJE is about the common desire to see Jewish people know their Messiah. We are about sharing with each other in a network devoted to a common task. I have learned more from attending LCJE meetings and interacting with LCJE participants than any other single source.

I would say that two specific areas within the task of reaching out to Jewish people exercise me the most. The first area (one that I have been quite vocal about for several years) is understanding the upcoming Jewish generation. Postmodernism definitely means business as usual will get Jewish missions nowhere.

The second and related issue is one I mentioned above – community-based outreach from inside the culture. Authenticity and community are major issues in postmodern life. Not everyone in LCJE will agree with me (which is another reason I think LCJE is great), but I believe we will be less effective in the coming years if we live like outsiders trying to reach insiders.

I have also learned a great deal from the passion of others. Kirk Gliebe proved to me the importance of reaching out to children. Justin Kron taught me a great deal about postmodern life. Barry Rubin summed up for me the need for Jewish missions and congregations to work together. Susan Perlman taught me the need to pay attention to what is said in the media. Lisa Loden enlightened me regarding eastern religion and idolatry in Israel. I could not possibly name all the people and ideas that have sharpened me as an instrument in God’s hand.

I know that I will continue learning from the members of LCJE. I am encouraged to have friendships with so many people with a common interest. I look forward to serving on the International Coordinating Committee and hope I can help LCJE remain strong. I want to keep coming to learn and grow until Yeshua returns or takes me to be with him.

Derek Leman
[email protected]