Annual Report for LCJE Japan 2004
By Teiichiro Kuroda, LCJE Area Coordinator for Japan

It has already been ten years since we started LCJE Japan ministries. The Lord has been blessing our ministries very much and there are now more than ten different mission groups or organizations in Japan which pray for Israel, help Jewish people both spiritually and materially, and work for the salvation of Jewish people in the world. Ten years ago, most of the Japanese Christians and churches didn’t have their spiritual eyes opened as they are now. LCJE Japan has been taking a part of this important spiritual work. Therefore we thank God and praise Him.

Now, looking back at the year of 2004, I am happy to mention the following three points.

1. We have been sending our Japanese newsletter, “LCJE News” to many places in order to let Japanese Christians and churches know the situation of Jewish Evangelism and needs of Jewish People. We have desired to challenge them to have a burden for joining us in this great ministry. Our monthly newsletter reported different information about Jewish Evangelism and helped readers to understand and pray for the nation and Jewish people. Since November, we have been sending a new monthly newsletter with many different articles. We think that this newsletter will encourage our readers and give them a love and burden for Jewish Evangelism.

2. We held monthly prayer meetings in Tokyo and Osaka. We invited different speakers at every prayer meeting and had good messages, and we prayed together for the land of Israel, the peace of God and for His blessings. This monthly prayer meeting encouraged us to pray together. On average, we had about 15 to 20 people who attended in both cities. We hope that this prayer meeting will continue in the coming months that more Japanese Christians and churches will be involved in Jewish Evangelism.

3. We had been having four board members at our LCJE Japan in the past time, but since October 2004, we asked two more pastors to join us. Pastor Charles Klingensmith at Wakayama Lutheran Church is an American brother and has great love for the Lord. He brought new air and view point for our committee and his work for LCJE Japan has been a big help. The other pastor is Pastor Mamoru Hayakawa who is the young Japanese pastor at Saitama Glory Christ church. He has been involved in the monthly prayer meeting in the Tokyo area. We are very thankful to these two brothers for their help.

As a result of LCJE Japan ministries in 2004, I am pleased to say that we have come into a new and fresh stage after ten years. We thank the Lord Jeshua for His leading in Japan and we desire to continue to do this business for the glory of God!

Teiichiro Kuroda
[email protected]